Oregon Screen Impressions Launches New & Improved Sustainability Program

Oregon Screen Impressions aims to reduce their waste by 20% by the year 2026. Here’s how:

Oregon Screen Impressions Sustainability program launch. Green Actions Global Impact

In today’s world, sustainability is no longer an option—it’s a necessity. At Oregon Screen Impressions, we believe that creating high-quality products shouldn’t come at the expense of the environment. That’s why we’re excited to announce the launch of our new and improved sustainability program, designed to reduce our environmental impact while continuing to deliver the exceptional screen-printing services you trust.

Sustainable business practices have always been a core part of OSI, but as we look forward into 2025, our sustainability team took a closer look at where our current practices were, and how they could be improved. This program matters to us because it reflects Oregon Screen Impressions’ responsibility to reduce its environmental footprint and align with a growing demand for eco-conscious business practices. 

Sustainability in Screen Printing

As with every industry, there are several challenges when it comes to reducing waste. Oregon Screen produces merchandise and printed garments for local Portland businesses, and other clients throughout Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. Throughout the printing process, materials such as inks, packaging materials, and garments are being used. One way Oregon Screen reduced usage of materials was by instating a screen reclaiming process back in 2000. This allows for the reuse of chemical products. You can read more about the reclaiming process in detail here.

As we progress into the future of what sustainability looks like, it’s also important to continually update and educate ourselves about techniques and technology related to creating more sustainable efforts. Our team set forth to refresh and revise our sustainability program starting with internal audits and resulting in staff education and internal changes. Let’s get into what we found. 

Creating a New Sustainability Program

The OSI Sustainability Team literally got their hands dirty during an internal waste audit at the Oregon Screen facility. They sifted through the waste and recycling to collect data on what was being thrown away. This audit provided a clear picture of the average amount of waste produced internally, as well as the recyclable materials that were ending up in the trash.

Using this data, the team identified areas for improvement and developed a new, enhanced sustainability program. The next step was to implement policy changes aimed at significantly reducing waste. Here are some of the key changes introduced:

Saying NO to single-use plastics

Single-use items such as plastic forks, paper plates, and cups are being replaced with compostable or recyclable items. Single use items are dangerous for the environment, and oftentimes end up in our oceans or even in our food in the form of microplastics. According to the UN Environment, an astonishing 40% of plastics produced are for single-use purposes. We are recognizing the devastating impact and our role in it, and adjusting our policies to reflect our beliefs. We hope to educate and inspire other companies in Portland and beyond to consider replacing single-use plastic with sustainable options. It may be more difficult to source these items, but it’s an investment into our future. With this change, we hope to help increase the demand for recyclable and compostable single-use items. 

Employee Education 

Oregon Screen educating employees about the new recycling program

In addition to changes in our practices, we’re focusing on educating our employees. OSI launched the new-and-improved sustainability program with a company-wide

education day. Employees gathered in smaller groups, where Sustainability Team leaders provided training on proper recycling, introduced new recycling bin locations, and offered tips on how to recycle more effectively at home.

Recycling mistakes are common, but many can be corrected with the right information. One of the biggest challenges is making sure people have access to these educational resources. OSI is dedicated to spreading awareness about conservation efforts, starting right here in our corner of Portland.

This company-wide initiative has empowered our employees to become a sustainability “super team.” We hope they will pass along what they’ve learned to their friends and family, helping spread conservation knowledge even further. To reinforce these efforts, educational posters have been placed around the building as helpful reminders.


One of the biggest changes we are making internally is the installation of a compost program. We are excited to be able to create a place for employees to discard food waste and get beautiful nutrient-dense soil in return! 

A large compost component will be installed at OSI. Some of the items that will feed the new compost include: leftover banana peels from lunch, paper towels from the bathrooms, and coffee grinds from the office coffee makers! This is a great opportunity for all employees who may not otherwise have the ability or tools to compost at home regularly.Composting has a large list of benefits. It not only reduces food waste, but it helps to conserve waste through creating moisture-retaining soil and reducing the need for garden chemicals to be bought. The compost is broken down and will help to become nutrients for soil. This soil will be available for employees to take home for gardening and plants. In the future, OSI hopes to allow customers who stop by to check on their T’s to grab some soil for their gardens as well! 


Looking to the Future

OSI wants to continue to improve sustainability efforts with time, and encourage other businesses and individuals to do the same. This new sustainability program is just the beginning of OSI’s long-term commitment to creating a more eco-conscious workplace. By reducing waste, educating our team, and implementing lasting changes, we are laying the groundwork for a future that prioritizes sustainability in all aspects of our operations. Our vision extends beyond quick fixes—it’s about fostering a culture of environmental responsibility that grows and evolves over time. With each step forward, we aim to make a meaningful impact, not only within our company but also in the broader community. Together, we’re building a sustainable future, one initiative at a time.