Product Catalogs

We have access to a virtually unlimited supply of wholesale options, from specialty items to popular name brands. If you need recommendations, get in touch. We’re happy to point you in the right direction.

To get you started, browse products from the most popular makers we work with. Please understand that Oregon Screen Impressions does not allow for the use of customer-provided garments for decoration services. Below are just some of our most popular manufacturers and suppliers that we can source from to fulfill your needs. Please ask your Project Manager if you have a specific brand or style that you have in mind.

OSI Sportswear Catalog
You can find most of our favorite things here. If you don’t see what you’re looking for, contact us and we can help source the perfect item.

Alpha Broder
Apparel, headwear, with multiple warehouses

S&S Activewear
Apparel, headwear, bags, & more

Apparel, headwear, bags, & more

Independent Trading Co
Hoodies, sweatshirts, and other outerwear

Richardson Headwear
Athletic headwear with a long history in Oregon

Premium apparel & headwear

Los Angeles Apparel
Hip fashion forward apparel

Otto Cap
Budget friendly hats, and our go to trucker hats

Alternative Apparel
Premium fashion forward apparel & eco options

Premium options for headwear & beanies